

Inhaltlich verantwortlich gemäß §5 TMG und §55 Abs. 2 RStV:
Lettau Bjoern

German-Speaking Catholic Congregation
Catholic Diocese Centre
Room 887
16 Caine Road
Hongkong (SAR)

Fotos und Texte sind Privateigentum der Deutschsprachigen Katholischen Gemeinde Hong Kong oder wurden von Privatpersonen zur Verfügung gestellt und dürfen ohne schriftliche Genehmigung nicht verwendet werden. 

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Responsible for content according to §5 TMG and §55 Abs. 2 RStV:
Lettau Bjoern

German-Speaking Catholic Congregation
Catholic Diocese Centre
Room 887
16 Caine Road
Hongkong (SAR)

Photos and texts are property of the German-Speaking Catholic Congregation Hong Kong or were provided by private individuals and may not be used without their prior written permission. 

Note on liability:
Despite careful control of the site content we are not liable for the content of external links. The responsibility for the content of linked sites lies with their owners.